Monday, July 16, 2012

Santa Ana Health Insurance

Being a social worker for underprivileged people gives me tremendous joy as giving back to society has always been my main objective. I am on the move most days and often have to go to back of beyond places. The other day my fellow colleague fainted in the heat and she was rushed to the local hospital. It turned out that she was having a massive heart attack and now needed to move to a better hospital, in her own vicinity. We had both recently purchased our health insurance policies and I am grateful for the same. She needed to undergo a series of blood tests and other examinations; the thought of paying upfront for all these made me shiver to the bone. 
I realized that the same can happen to anyone at any time; being cautious and savvy regarding funds is vital. Purchasing an affordable Santa Ana Health Insurance plan is the need of the hour as our bodies are vulnerable and emergencies can arise at any time.Individual health insurance plans are more expensive than the group ones so I discussed this issue with the NGO I work for. We decided that all workers should get covered here and we must collect funds to cover the people we were working for. We approached the same insurance company that I had tied up with as it offered rather affordable health insurance as compared to many others. They did a medical examination for all workers as well as the underprivileged; the ones with pre-existing health conditions were charged higher premiums while the premiums for the young and healthy were lower. In any case, this was a perk being offered to all and we figured that this was a huge favor that we could extend to people all around.

             The benefits of the affordable health insurance are many as it includes hospitalization and medical treatments for the whole family. Medical emergencies are included in this and the policy takes care of the costs on oxygen, medicines, blood, ambulance, hospital room, the assortment of blood tests as well as a multiplicity of other costs. The idea here is to pay a specific sum every year and subject to the amount paid, you are given compensation. This maybe anything like $200 per year per person and the cover could be up to $100,000. To pay a big sum unexpectedly can throw anyone off their feet and the poor especially have no way out but to suffer. We decided to plan and organize the funds for our NGO in a concrete and viable manner so that all people benefit. In spite of being well-informed and intelligent, I am amazed that I didn’t pay attention to this critical need earlier. Today, I feel confident in the knowledge that if something unanticipated was to happen to any one of us, we’d be in the position to undertake things. Affordable Health insurance plans are essential for every person and it is our duty to spread this information all around.

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